27 Haziran 2013 Perşembe

Alican's Postcards

What is Postcrossing?

The goal of this project is to allow people to receive postcards from all over the world,
for free. Well, almost free! The main idea is that: if you send a postcard,you will receive one back from a random Postcrosser from somewhere in the world.

Why?Because, like me, there are lots of people who like to receive real mail.
The element of suprise of receiving postcard from different places in the world 
(many of which you probably have never heard of) can turn your mailbox into a box of 
suprises-and who wouldn't like that?

#First postcard 

Hurray! I received first postcard from Czech Republic.
Marketa sent me Ostrava view with great stamps :) 


Wow!! My first direct swap received.Dear Sergio sent me great city Porto's postcard.
He suggest to listen Terasa Salguerio who is Portuguese singer.I really like her song :))

#2 postcard

My second mail from Germany!

#3 postcard


Iramorais sent me this awesome postcard from near the Amazon river.
I should say that my favorite card is it.Brazilian indians lookin just fantastic!

#4 postcard

Dear Sam sent me German flag with spacial stamps :)
Many thanks..

#5 postcard

A lovely postcard from Amsterdam.I always big fan of Holland stamps:)
Also tulip field is lookin gorgeous..

#6 postcard

Yaaay! Vincent sent me great stamps from Lille.
I've been there, momories still alive :)

#7 postcard

Yeah! My first mail from China.It's travelled 7314 km within 32 days!
 I like same postcard and stamp :) 


Yeah gift! 
Dear Hayalie suprised me and sent it :)) 
Many Thanks..

#8 postcard

I hate without stamps postcard :(

#9 postcard

Train lover Ute,sent me from Bochum.
Unfortunately no stamp :(

#10 postcard

Beside of Holland, I really biggest fan of Brazilian stamps :)
Thanks to sender..

#11 postcard

Waves beating the lighthouse.Diana sent it to me rainly and cold Hamburg day!

#12 postcard

 Hurraaay! My first British postcard from Brian.
Dave Mackey stamp is just awesome!

#13 postcard

Today I received first envelope from Netherland, 
opened it and found this beautiful lighthouse :) 

#14 postcard

Yeah! There are things
 in this world worth
 fighting and dying for..

#15 postcard

Lighthouses remember  me 'loneliness'..
what can say that wonderful stamp??

#16 postcard

Marianna sent me green balcony postcard from Ukraine.

#17 postcard

Hurraay! I really like postcard and stamp.
Finnish postcrosser should be enjoyable..

#18 postcard

Olga sent me traditional cabbage soup postcard from Moscow.

#19 postcard

Europe Hotel-Minsk

#20 postcard

Just amazing! Berlin-London shipping via Lufthansa airline :))

#21 postcard

Yaaay! Leaving Dublin.
Jeneffer sent me from USA.

#22 postcard

Lovely postcard from Sibiria :))
Forest train postcard and  wonderful bee&fallow deer.

#23 postcard

Wow! Boing 747 and its doughter waiting to take off :)

#24 postcard

Dear Laura, sent me from Finland :)

#25 postcard

After the long trip (14,506 km), 
the trains has arrived to Istanbul :)

#26 postcard

Little postcrosser Aline sent it me from Germany.
Good luck Aline..

#27 postcard

Georgeous stamp from China!


Dear Zadom sent me from China.